....ohh and pencils and paper

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Misery Guts.....

That's how I  have been feeling over the last 2 weeks....worry over adult children's health (thankfully ok) and the strange times we find ourselves in had left me stressed and feeling yukko! But when I really thought about it there were lots of little gems sprinkled amongst the angst.
So this post is about things that made me smile.....
Waking up under my lovely, cosy clamshell quilt each morning.
With a view of the drawings by a dear friend of my beautiful Granddaughters from my bed.
When friends share a great book......
And family gift you another on your wish list.
Delighting in stitching litlle hearts and bugs....
A sweet 6 pointed star worked out well.
 Making progress on a new quilt.
A pretty box to store my bits and bobs.
The discovery of a little flower spike on an orchid....and joy that I haven't killed it!
A visit from my friendly Kookaburra.......chortling away.
So folks these things made me focus on the simple things worth giving thanks for of late.
Take care.
Namaste and blessings Michelle xxx


  1. Even at this stressful time there is lots we can be thankful for and I see you have many lovely ones.... enjoy ! Hugs 🤗

  2. I agree! lots of stress we need to look around to find the small things we are thankful for...yours are lovely! Stay safe and well

  3. The last few months have been doing strange things with my mind, and I agree, we have to focus on those small things which make us happy. We are lucky to have a craft which we can share with others here; also being confined to my home I am concentrating on doing things which I like (I don't clean much, only enough to keep us human ;-), I am spending time in the kitchen, I enjoy feeding people, but of course the number has gone down, so it is mostly cooking for two, still very enjoyable :-)
    This time has also took me to more reading again, which I had neglected for a while. I am an optimist, I believe that something good comes out something bad,

  4. thank you for sharing your little bits of joy in today's difficult times. They really helped me this morning...gray and overcast--

    I love the saying "Keep a green bough in your heart and the singing bird will come"--and keep hoping that it will come true...
    hugs from afar in this "dry as a bone" area Julierose

  5. It's those little moments of joy, Michelle, that make our days bearable now......small things in which to take pleasure.

  6. We are all living through worrying times, aren't we. Here in NZ, just as we thought things were going so well, that ugly virus is disrupting things again.
    So pleased you have lots of small moments of happiness to focus on, plants, flowers, family and stitching too of course. When we look around, there is always something that makes us happy.

  7. You have had the worrying events a bit close to home lately!! Good to hear the family are all ok. It is great to see the things that bring you pleasure, simple pleasures often are the best! Beautiful blocks and well done with the orchids spike 😁

  8. Good morning my lovely friend,i think as mums we will always worry about our children and grandies,glad your lot are all ok Michelle. Those pics of your grand daughters are a beautiful thing to wake up to in the morning ,like they are watching over you.Well done on your beautiful work Michelle you always achieve so much. Its freezing down here at the moment in Chillerarat ,lol,hope you have a good day my friend,Namaste and blessings to you xx

  9. Hang in there Michelle...better times ahead for us all. Thanks for sharing those happy moments with us.

  10. There is always things out there to make us smile but sometimes we just have to look a little further. You have shown us so many wonderful things today Michelle - thank You.

  11. a lovely post even though you have not been feeling the best.... hope this week is better. I am reading Marie Bostwick too... nice light reading. chat soon...xx

  12. Sometimes we need a wallow for us to see the good things around us.
    I feel so blessed to be able to take this outback adventure. x

  13. So much to be thankful for Michelle - I hope you are feeling better. xx

  14. Well done, Michelle. We do have to remind ourselves every now and then that there is a lot to make us happy.

  15. I hope you are starting to feel better and more positive, it is a scary time and can be overwhelming. You've reminded me that I pulled down the design sheet with Nature's Journey pinned to it when the electrician came, I must hang it back up and keep going with getting it together - thank you for the reminder!

  16. we have to find joy where we can in these difficult times.
    So glad for you that the health issues have turned out ok.

  17. So important to focus on those little positives and not get smothered in the yucky things Happy anniversary to you and mr R too. Xxx


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