....ohh and pencils and paper

Friday, May 24, 2024

Nature's Journey

 Good morning friends. I had hoped to get back here sooner but life just gets busy. So of course this will probably be another novel lol! So grab a cuppa.

I recently received 2 quilts back from my clever friend Fiona @bubzrugz. And both have been quilted beautifully. I have attached the binding to Nature's Journey, another favourite Anni Downs design. I loved stitching this one. I left off the last 2 borders as I wanted it for a particular space but sadly my Maths was well and truly off and it's still too it will just have to shine from my quilt stand. The centre piece of this quilt grabbed me straight away (as did Gossip in the Garden) and made me want to make it.

There were lots of my favourite things depicted also.... birds, bees, butterflies, dragonflies, hexies and pears and lots of lovely blooms.

Fiona has quilted it beautifully. 
So pleased with this finish.
I completed it with a label that I made from an extra block I made through over enthusiasm lol!

As Nature is the subject of this post I thought I would share a little project I did to utilise some of my paper eco dyeing. I decided to make a little pamphlet style booklet to showcase the prints. I added an extra piece on the front and sketched a bluebanded bee and some gumnuts to the cover.
I also added little sketches and tiny stitched pieces throughout. I kept them tiny and in places where there was a space so as not to detract from the eco printing. I  intend to include more nature quotes throughout (even though I have terrible writing but was told to get over it recently lol) Here are the little stitcheries I made and insitu in the book. 

Here is a little wander through the other pages.

I added a pocket at the back by sewing it on the machine, to hold some tags and info about the workshop and some feathers picked up on one of my Wanders.
I added a tie and a tag to close it.
I am finding that I am really enjoying working with paper especially making small booklets.
Still on Nature, I finished my Yellow Rose drawing. What a treat this beauty was to draw.
On a personal note I was thoroughly spoilt on Mother's Day...treated to delish morning tea by my Daughter and children along with beautiful flowers. 

And my Son and his family made me a wonderful roast dinner complete with apple pie and a book voucher.....perfect....such a lovely day.
Our youngest Granddaughter celebrated her birthday recently with her favourite thing a fabulous cake....cake is her thing! And she was pretty pleased with this year's offering lol!
Still with me? Thank you. I must add a thank you also to the lovely comments those of you who are noreply bloggers leave me. I appreciate each and every one. 
Well I guess I am finally done. I shall leave you with some more of my orchids which are blooming their heads off. They're making me very happy. 

Hug your loved ones.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx

Friday, May 10, 2024

Monoprinting in Maleny

 As promised a post about my recent workshop up in the mountains at Maleny. I stayed with my friends overnight for a quick getaway on the workshop day. I love the peace of their rural perch on the ridge above Samford Valley. 

Perfect spot for a coffee and a chat.
Monoprinting with Botanicals for beginners was our workshop with the very generous and talented Kim Herringe. 
This is Kim imparting her knowledge in her Studio.
Our tools and supplies were ready to go!
Here we all are working and sharing our results. 

These were my prints all laid out. 
We had our lunch looking out over the dam and country side and I couldn't help but snap some pretty Camelias and Grevillea.

Kim has the most interesting powder room. The walls are covered with inspirational and funny quotes....we all linger in there lol!

I was a little bit at sea as to what colours I wanted to create but was happier with the blues and oranges.

I fell in love with what they call the "ghost print" this is what is left on the gell plate after your print is pulled off.....and you print again.

I loved how delicate they looked. We all had a scrap page for pressing over the plate....some were crazy little works of art.
So it was a wonderful day and I am all signed up for an extension workshop in a month...looking forward to it already!
I spent today drawing up some ideas to use as masks over the gell plates.
Looking forward to playing with these. 
This Bromelaid in my garden was like a firestick it was so bright.

If you are still with me I appreciate it.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Namaste and Blessings,
Michelle xx


Monday, May 6, 2024

Quilting and Visitors

 Good morning. Today is a public holiday here. The last for us until August. The skies are brilliant blue with lovely sunshine streaming in the windows at the moment. It's supposed to rain later so I popped out and took some photos of my pretty orchids now in flower,  seemingly having dodged that horrible beetle and my Croton bushes which have brought forth bright yellow and green new foliage. It seems to be since the Jacaranda was pruned. They are just stunning!

I haven't done a lot of stitching of late, instead concentrating on hand quilting Where We Love is Home in between lovely craft lunch with friends, Grandies sports, Anzac Day commemorations and music displays. It's slow going as I have a dicky shoulder and rest is the cure. Easier to say than do!

I am doing very simple quilting as I don't think it needs anything fancy.
I had such lovely visitors yesterday. Did you have a favourite Aunt? I did and still do. My Aunt moved to be closer to her family a while ago and where as she was 30 mins from me is now 2 and a half hours away. And I found it difficult to visit whilst caring for my husband. So what a great day we had together with my cousin-in-law when they visited. We talked and laughed the day away. Tripping down memory lane and catching up on current family doings.

My Aunt is a keen gardener and she bought me some lavender from her garden both fresh and dried....ohhh it smells divine. The soaps are handmade by a friend of hers....did I mention homemade cakes.....bit spoilt!
I have always felt blessed to have this beautiful lady in my life. There is something special about having someone who has known and loved you all your life.
My friend Katie is also my hairdresser and she recently adopted another Tenterfield Terrier to keep her other pup Annie company.....this is Max....who is simply adorable. He is so tiny with these huge ears...needless to say it was fun having cuddles. Just had to share.
OK friends that's about it. Not a lot of sewing to show this post. I am now off to stay with friends and get ready for another printmaking workshop tomorrow....excited much! Hopefully I will have some interesting things to share....fingers crossed xx
Take care, be gentle with yourself and others.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx