....ohh and pencils and paper

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Winding Down

I wanted to share a few last Sunday Stitchers Secret Santa. The lovely Inca...
And delightful Cheryl with my gift...
Susan joined a stitch a long  making my Holly Cottage Christmas quilt this year. Susan also did her own version to suit the recipient of the quilt.....which I think is wonderful! Susan bought the finished quilt for show and tell last it!
Apart from some "closer to the day" baking, and a spot of gift wrapping I am pretty much in relaxed mode.
The stockings are hung...

Santa's resting without his  coat for the big day....well it's been a tad hot here lately!
Here in Australia at Christmas time there isn't a hint of snow but the Frangapani is flowering and the smell is Devine.....
There is a sprinkling of orchids in the tree beside the front door...
And delicious Summer strawberries beginning to ripen...
Mama possum is trying hard to get cool and sleep under the house...
There are blue skies above and very warm weather ahead.....looking forward to  our Christmas traditions.....Carols and cutting the ham.....time to spend with family......these are a few snapshots of my Australian Christmas.
As someone wise said "It's not what's under your Christmas tree but Who is around it That matters" I wish you love around yours. If it is a difficult time for you I wish you peace of mind until life regains balance.
This will be my last post until after Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and friends.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx


  1. Lovely post Michelle.
    Wishing your Family and you a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Delightful post. All the best.

  3. Hi Michelle awesome post lovely lady,wishing you and your lovely family a Merry Xmas and a safe and happy new year. Oh and i love Susan version of your holly cottage quilt xxxxxx

  4. Best wishes to you and your family, Michelle, for a wonderful Christmas! Such a fun post......I love Santa in his vest.

  5. Everything is beautiful in your Christmas post Michelle. What a thrill to see another version of your special Quilt, and always nice to see the patchwork stockings out and proud. (We have ours hanging too). Hi to the pretty possum, and the JOY sign is just lovely. Merry Christmas to you. xxxx

  6. Oh lovely work by everyone. It will be nice to have most of my family around for Christmas...a few visits to see more and Dad still in hospital but it will be lovely. Enjoy your break and your family. Merry Christmas. ����

  7. Happy Christmas Michelle - hope you all have a wonderful time. xx

  8. Thank you Michelle and a Merry Christmas to you and yours. XXX

  9. Thanks for the mention - and the picture
    Enjoy the downtime amongst your lovelies - though I do hope Santa dresses for the occasion!!

  10. Beautiful post Michelle, all the best for a very happy fun and family filled Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

  11. Another great year Michelle.
    All the best for 2019 too.
    Merry Christmas xox

  12. Lovely thoughts for Christmas.
    Enjoy the break and have some great family time.

  13. Have a Merry Christmas, enjoy your family time and all the best for 2019 :) xx


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