....ohh and pencils and paper

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Blissful Day

Some days when you go to your Yoga class you cannot silence that chatterbox in your mind or leave the busyness of your life or the criticisms of others outside the door. You still benefit from your practice, but sometimes in your practice you do leave it all at the door and listen to your body and give up all those expectations to do more be more and your mind rests and it is such a blissful experience. I know those fellow Yoginis out there know of what I speak.
I had such a bliss filled practice today and it was just what I needed. It really helped me feel centred once again. Afterwards I got to catch up with my beautiful friend and Yoga Teacher Helen for some lunch. Over which it occurred to me what a blessing it is to have friends who truly see who you are and there is no pretense. You can be yourself and just enjoy honest conversation and sharing. Bliss.
Helen has been overseas for a very special family occassion recently and she bought me home a sweet gift of this special pencil case and I absolutely adore it......does this sound like me?  I have new pencils to go in it too which I bought the other day. Oh so happy :) Cute nail file too.
In the sewing department I am trying to do ten things at once but really must get cracking on some more Secret Sewing or else I am going to be putting in some overtime. I did start this.....
The trouble is I keep changing my mind. If I could settle down and decide on one thing I would get further...anyone else like me??? Everytime I see the count down days on people's blog I turn into the rabbit from Alice in know "I'm Late! I'm Late! For a very important Date"
But for today I am not giving up my feelings of bliss I am going to enjoy it.
Blessings Michelle xxx


  1. I can feel the calm coming from your blog!! I can't believe how quickly Christmas is coming...luckily I am more organised this year and have a lot of presents ready... phew!!

  2. It sounds like a lovely day and your gifts are delightful!

  3. Maybe we should all take up yoga..........before Christmas!

  4. I think I should go back to yoga. It sounds like you had a lovely day.

  5. I love to hear your feelings of bliss and calmness. I don't attend yoga, so I will pretend for the moment! Love your little snowman...your stitching is exquisite!

  6. Think about the yoga and do one thing at the time :-)
    You got some lovely presents !!

  7. Lovely post , I wish I did yoga I know many times I could sure use some centering .So glad you found Bliss in yesterdays session.Your snowman is adorable as always . hugs SHeila

  8. Michelle- I think a lot of us are like that - never making up your mind til the last minute! Thats why we have deadlines I think - to force us to decide and take action - more yoga less stress I think is the go.

  9. So nice to find some inner peace and then spend time with like minded friends.

    Cute Snowman...

    Oh yes I have changed my mind about four time with my SSCS..LOL

  10. Sounds like a lovely yoga session. I find that making lists also helps me to focus on one thing at a time - sometimes I think I will forget about what I need/want to make and that is why they buzz around in my head so much!

  11. Oh Michelle try and stay in your 'bliss' as long as you really is a wonderful place to be! Ha ha trying to do 10 things at once in the sewing remind me of me and then sometimes I don't seem to get very far!

  12. Sounds like you aced the yoga session. It must feel so good to come out of something like that feeling like you can tackle the world. I need to find a way to achieve inner peace at work...

  13. think I might have to take up yoga...


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