....ohh and pencils and paper

Saturday, August 3, 2024

More Field Notes

 Hello friends from sunshiney Queensland on this beautiful morning. I am sitting typing this with warm sunshine streaming in through the window and a hot cup of coffee beside me. I think you will need a cuppa as there seems to be lots to share.

I have celebrated another birthday this past week and am very thankful for all the love shown to me by my family and friends. Beautiful cards, messages, phone calls and gifts. New books to read, fluffy slippers, art supplies donation and concert tickets for later in the year and of course CAKE!

Can you see my new furry grandchild....he is soooo adorable!
My friend Shez sent me a lovely parcel just perfect for this big bird it!
My naughty sister aided and abetted my chocolate addiction in a big way....she sent me TWO chokkie gift boxes.....there is going to have to be some rationing put in place lol! Although the Grandies are smiling broadly with hope!
I also had my birthday at Sunday Stitchers. We had a theme of Bed, Bath and Table...I was spoilt by De xx

I also had to present my kit gift from last year completed. 
Linda was my kit gifter from 2023. I also had show and tell. I think perhaps I showed you last post....sorry if it's a repeat.
My latest Sashiko block, Nature's Journey and 1797 Revisited ( sorry about all the pics of yours truly lol)

Now on to "Field Notes" Our latest prompt in our Spring layout was NEST. I embroidered over a beautiful nest from a piece of fabric I had and invented a fantasy bird which I appliqued and embroidered with a piece of tatting as a pretty wing. We don't have any such brilliant blue eggs or birds that lay them here in Australia. I created a branch and leaves in embroidery and applique.
My little bird booklet slipped behind a little lace band.

I also really wanted to include our beautiful Brisbane Wattle that blooms late Winter early Spring here. I stitched what seemed like a trillion French knots for it and added it's Botanical name also in stitchery.
A little quote from Edith's diary finished off this prompt. The completed layout for this prompt. I adored this prompt as you can imagine.
This is what our beautiful Brisbane Wattle looks like in bloom...spectacular when you see them. It's actually much brighter and more golden than my photo shows.
I think I have caught you up on what's been happening in my little corner of the world.
I shall leave you with this gorgeous art card my friend Bev gave me for my birthday, from her holiday in our tropical North Queensland. 
It's called "Sunbirds" by artist Jennifer Foster- Hamilton.
Until next time,
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx 


  1. looks like you had a lovely birthday and were deservedly spoilt!!
    love your little nest and bird, this is so beautiful Michelle. Beautiful quilt finishes and a very sweet pouch.

  2. Great birthday celebrations Michelle. Your nest page is beautiful, so many lovely little details. Gorgeous. xx

  3. Slightly late Happy Birthday wishes, Michelle! Looks like you had a lovely day with lots of goodies, both edible and not so edible. Love your embroidery, your Brisbane wattle is beautiful. I read somewhere once that Australia has so many species of wattle that there is some in flower somewhere, every day of the year.

  4. You had a fabulous birthday .celebrated with family,cake and many lovely gifts.
    Boy your Grandies have grown heaps.. Cute new grand fur baby.
    Great finishes and your Bird book is beautiful.

  5. Birthdays should be celebrated, and you certainly celebrated yours in style! Lots of love and gifts came your way on your special day.

  6. Oh Belated Birthday Wishes Michelle !!! 💗🎂 I definately think ALL occasions should be celebrated with cake! Some wonderful gifts received & I would be hiding that choccy stash in my sewing room!
    Your Field Notes is absolutely beautiful - so much detail ... just stunning. Have a lovely week Michelle x0x

  7. you have been busy ... I love all those french knot wattle flowers - they are looking lovely here but making me sneeze. Looks like a lovely birthday week ---- big love

  8. Happy birthday! Enjoy all your lovely gifts , choccie and cake. Love your nest with the eggs..another clever creation.

  9. Happy Birthday wishes to you , I am pleased you had a good time. Lovely gifts!
    Your quilts are looking wonderful and that little bird nest is adorable.
    I love seeing the wattles in bloom but my nose doesn't appreciate it.

  10. I wish you a happy and creative new year from the bottom of my heart, August's birthday child.
    Your cake is so delicious and so nice to celebrate with the family.
    Your appliqués and embroidery are wonderful. I'm really looking forward to seeing everything. Thank you.
    Viola sends you happy greetings


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