....ohh and pencils and paper

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Slow Stitching in July

 Hello friends. If you are here in Aus. you will be decidedly chilly. And here in beautiful sunny Queensland overnight temps of zero are just not welcome lol! Thank goodness there's an abundance of quilts.

As I mentioned last post, I have joined in with #roxyjournalofstitchery once again. The project for Volume 6 is "Field Notes" which is right up my street. The inspiration was UK Edwardian naturalist and journal keeper...Edith Holden. I have loved her pages for years....all her delightful watercolours and poems and quotes appropriate to her theme and nature walks discoveries. 
Because I was eager to get started I made some preparations for the cover I had in mind. I am trying where I can to have an Aussie flavour....not always going to be possible as the inspiration is from the UK. 
The project is to be a concertina form.
So it will unfold in one long strip. The cover will technically be stitched on the back and I am going to use some stiffening to make it robust. I have to admit to having gone a bit over the top with my cover but I love it! You will espy my little Fairy Wren drawing, embroidered and I did the same for the Dandelion...the bees favourite. A real feather collected on a wander.
Now because I jumped the gun with the cover I didn't realise there would also be a title page and not wanting to NOT have a title page I did that too...yep completely over-the-top! But I  care not lol!
The silk ribbon pansy was one of several I made many moons ago. Many of you have probably done the happy to use it. OK still with me? We then moved on to Prompt No. 1 which is SPRING BULBS. Hmmm dilemma. Australia has only about 3 wild bulbs plants. So I caved and went with a Tulip. Thinking of Floriade in Canberra was as close as I could get to Aussie flavour. I drew and embroidered a tulip.
I made a pocket from lace and then drew a tulip and bulb on an aged tag to pop inside.
I added a little quote about Spring on the back....oh how I wish I had lovely hand writing *sigh
I am hoping that I can combine stitching and drawing in this project. I have a little accordion booklet with birds who visit my garden waiting in the wings...pardon the pun for a future prompt.

So I am having a very nice time with this project and hanging out for the next prompt.
I can hear the kettle boiling...definitely cuppa time and I think today a little hand quilting to keep my knees warm.
I shall leave you with this poem which speaks to me and reminds me frankly of myself all through the years from childhood until now.
Take care, 
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx 


  1. How beautiful & exquisite Michelle. I look forward to seeing the completed project - I think its just wonderful that you are giving it an Aussie touch. How special.
    I love that verse at the end so much that I have printed it off & stuck it on my sewing room wall. Have a lovely week Michelle xx

  2. Lovely poem - it fits me too! Love your new book, beautiful work so far. So many gorgeous little details and there is nothing wrong with your handwriting - mine is truly terrible! xx

  3. Beautiful poem Michelle - wonderful project, love that you are giving it an Aussie feel - your hand writing is beautiful, nothing to worry about there!! Looking forward to your progress.

  4. That's lovely, Michelle....and the poem suits it beautifully, your journal and the poem were made for each other!

  5. Your new project is very interesting. The cover and title page are beautiful. I'll enjoy watching your progress on this one, Michelle.

  6. Preciosos trabajos. BESICOS.

  7. Your journal has a beautiful start - I do love looking at all your detail. I think you are being a bit rough on my friend complaining about her handwriting!!! Lovely bird pictures - great idea having ones that visit you...

  8. Michelle, your work is beautiful, and this field notes display will be gorgeous to see when completed.
    Loved the's exactly what we did during all the homeschooling years. Such wonderful memories it has evoked! Blessings to you. xx

  9. You have such wonderful creative ideas! Your stitching looks amazing and full of interest. Ooooo so cold for too lol.


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