....ohh and pencils and paper

Friday, May 10, 2024

Monoprinting in Maleny

 As promised a post about my recent workshop up in the mountains at Maleny. I stayed with my friends overnight for a quick getaway on the workshop day. I love the peace of their rural perch on the ridge above Samford Valley. 

Perfect spot for a coffee and a chat.
Monoprinting with Botanicals for beginners was our workshop with the very generous and talented Kim Herringe. 
This is Kim imparting her knowledge in her Studio.
Our tools and supplies were ready to go!
Here we all are working and sharing our results. 

These were my prints all laid out. 
We had our lunch looking out over the dam and country side and I couldn't help but snap some pretty Camelias and Grevillea.

Kim has the most interesting powder room. The walls are covered with inspirational and funny quotes....we all linger in there lol!

I was a little bit at sea as to what colours I wanted to create but was happier with the blues and oranges.

I fell in love with what they call the "ghost print" this is what is left on the gell plate after your print is pulled off.....and you print again.

I loved how delicate they looked. We all had a scrap page for pressing over the plate....some were crazy little works of art.
So it was a wonderful day and I am all signed up for an extension workshop in a month...looking forward to it already!
I spent today drawing up some ideas to use as masks over the gell plates.
Looking forward to playing with these. 
This Bromelaid in my garden was like a firestick it was so bright.

If you are still with me I appreciate it.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Namaste and Blessings,
Michelle xx



  1. What a lovely day you had, learning new skills. Probably would be too messy for me, I'm not good working with paints or glue, it tends to get all over everything including me!

  2. How absolutely wonderful Michelle. Isn't it great to try out new creativity that appeals to us. Mum & I had a great holiday in Montville one year & spent quite a bit of time over in Maleny - it was such a crafty little township that we both enjoyed so much. Your ghost prints are fascinating. If I wasn't all the way across the ditch I would be joining you in that kind of workshop. Good for our souls xx 🧡

  3. That looks like a fun workshop!

  4. What a great way to spend a day Michelle. Such a speedy and effective way to get a print. I too love your ghosts! - would be great on fabric to stitch into. Beautiful setting too. xx

  5. How fabulous and what an interesting art form. I love the ones you made. What fun

  6. What an interesting workshop! Such fun and inspiration. I think Malaney is where the big permaculture place is? Always wanted to visit it.

  7. You made great prints.
    What a magnificent landscape... I can very well imagine that you have to go there again... and with your previous knowledge you will create beautiful new works.
    Good luck.
    I wish you a great new week. Viola

  8. That workshop and location both look so wonderful! Your post made me feel like I was there.


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