....ohh and pencils and paper

Thursday, June 13, 2024

June is Busting Out All Over

 Hello friends.  Life has kept me busy and away from blogging. A lot has revolved around family. I was recently very proud of our youngest Grandson who and 3 mates took part in a 48km hike (actually was 51kms) to raise funds for disadvantaged youth in the Kokoda Youth Challenge.

To pass the time, his Dad, Sister and I  had dinner out at my footy teams clubhouse. The Brisbane Broncos. Lovely meal and company eased our nerves.

They completed the trek in just under 15 hours. They were also held up for an hour waiting for an injured walker to be rescued. He hit his pillow at 1.30 am the next morning. Along with his poor Mum who volunteered as a check point person. Biased but awesome effort I say!
I have also attended the extension workshop for Gel Printing with my friend Alan. Really enjoyed this one and felt more confident at the end. Plus exploding brain with ideas lol!

We got to play with a big gel plate which was interesting. I loved how much more Botanicals we could play with on the bigger plate. 
But the "ghost" prints still were my favourites.

This delicate blue ghost is beautiful and so detailed in its may not be able to see it very well....LOVED this one! Feathers of course!
We are hoping to go back to Kim's for more adventures in this medium. The beautiful drive up into the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast is a lovely bonus!
Now as well as fun there are chores. After 3 years of neglect I finally am tackling my disgusting sewing cave.....I now have a clean art and cutting space, tidy machine area and clean and tidy shelves.

Lots of charity bags, rubbish bags and recycling have happened. I still have to sort a big cupboard....arrggh! And sort and place paper and art supplies in their new containers! But looking MUCH better. 
Stitching has been slowly working away on my hand quilting of Where We Love is Home.....shoulder permitting.
I've made some pretty papercraft tags....

And attempted....not terribly attractively a junk journal from those nasty bill envelopes that come in the mail...but it has been fun.

The purpose being to try out ideas for a lovely mixed media journal my husband bought me before he passed away.....that I haven't attempted to know keeping it for goodness knows what....he would be telling me to just get on with it and use it! So that's my intention!
OK lovely folk that is it for now. 
Take care.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx