....ohh and pencils and paper

Monday, July 15, 2019

Not A Lot To Share

Well I may not have a lot of photographic evidence of progress but I  have been very consistent in doing lots of this.....
And also lots of this...
I have been on a mission to only pay attention to my Clamshells and it has pleased me no end! I now have a piece measuring 60 inches x 60 inches. I feel that I may just get there.  As I want it to be rectangular still more rows to go.
We have also had a little furry house guest......our Son's Staffy.....Diesel. Our family are great lovers of Staffies.....they are so loyal but crazy little dogs.....they take a while to get into your heart but once they do you are ruined forever! Lol!
Diesel fretted to be left by his family and looked so sad!
But he soon made our place his lol! Never got the concept of "get down"....
Soon every cuppa was under close scrutiny lol! Is that a bikkie?
Crumbs maybe?? Pleeease?
It has gotten a bit cool in old Brisbane town over the weekend and I  made good use of my favourite snuggle quilt....
That is after the house guest was evicted from my chair lol!
Still it was very nice to have some Staffy Love for a little while.
So that is about it from me........the Clamshell journey continues.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx


  1. Your clammies are looking beautiful and sometimes focusing on one project seems to be more relaxing especially when you see it growing. Looks like your furry friend was forever hopeful for crumbs lol. You reckon it is cold there? Itwas is freezing here andvwe have had relentless rain for about 48 hours with strong winds but no rain yet today. Our ducted heating has been working hard to reachi 23 degrees.

  2. So who is master and who slave???? It's freezing down here so not feeling too sorry for you Queenslanders. Well only a bit.Love the clamshells, must get borders on mine.

  3. It's good to blitz something now and again - especially when you are close to the finishing post. Great guest! xx

  4. theres is lots of work in all those clams... gosh it is quite big already … beautiful... Diesel has made himself at home there. Bloody freezing wind here today.... stayed indoors as much as possible...

  5. Clamshells looks great...just a few more rows. Looking fantastic.
    Diesel was a very welcomed and loved visitor....a little spoilt I'm thinking..

  6. Hi Michelle got home tonight and boy it sure is cold,wish we were back in Darwin,lol.
    Diesel looks right at home with you and Gary,lol,love that he claimed your couch,lol.
    Your clamshells are looking fantastic and knowing you ,you will have a finish soon ,well done Michelle xx

  7. Diesel is onto a good thing, that's for sure! Such pretty clamshells......they will be finished before you know it, Michelle.

  8. Gotta love a Staffie. :). He sure looks comfortable & at home there. :). Clamshell is looking spectacular. Hugs,xx

  9. your clamshells look great.
    And Diesel certainly looks like he is at that face

  10. So good to see your clamshell progress, they are growing really well. Diesel looks like he is quite at home now!! Hope a few crumbs were found for him, how could you resist that face!! 😊😊

  11. You are making me feel so guilty about my clamshell neglect Lol.
    lovely to have a furry visitor, I thought you got the snuggle quilt out for him? Poor Diesel looks like he has the household routines covered pretty quickly!

  12. Your clamshell journey is coming along very NiCeLy... xox

  13. Look at those big brown eyes! Nice to have a doggy visitor who just relaxes on the sofa. Those clamshells are so pretty, happy stitching. xxx

  14. Nice to have Diesel stay for awhile and he did make himself at home in no time...
    Nearly done with your clamshell project, so much work....

  15. Hi Michelle. I have been catching up on posts to see what everyone has been up to. Looks like you have your hands full with clam shells and a special visitor. Love the way dogs make themselves at home. How long is Diesel staying?

  16. Hi Michelle! I'm back into blogging and attempting to get to as many blog friends as possible! Happy to stop by and catch up with you!

  17. Clnshells galore! You are doing great.

  18. Looks, spelling error, you know I meant to write clamshells

  19. It sounds like you enjoyed your houseguest Michelle ♥ Great work on the clams!

  20. I hope all is well, I see you haven't been here for three weeks.


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