....ohh and pencils and paper

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Mad March

 Good morning friends. Well it's been a wild and wooly old time here in South East Queensland of late. We've all had to batten down the hatches with Cyclone Alfred threatening our coastal areas. It's apparently the first time in 5 decades that a cyclone has threatened Brisbane. It caused much erosion and lots of flooding. I live just south of Brisbane. 

I and my family's homes suffered no damage thankfully but lost power for 24 hours. Being a camper that wasn't that terrible. Books were read and a little stitching accompanied by my favourite music playlist on my MP3 player. I have to be honest and say that even though the category was downgraded I was pretty frightened being alone with those howling winds. But nothing compared to others. Shout out to all our Energex and SES workers who risked life and limb in horrendous conditions to get our lights back on and rendering assistance. Champions one and all.
Now to stitching. 2nd prompt for Roxy's Journal of Stitchery was another vase only small.
I made a small jar from orange peel EPPs and appliqued matching flowers from the big vase.

We have received prompt 3 which is "fruit" I fancied a fancy pear. I stitched on a felt base and embellished it with lace, beads and embroidery. I think perhaps I will wait for the next prompt before stitching it on to my piece as I want to place it on a stack of books so we will see.
My March wip block for Sunday Stitchers was completed on time. 
So 6 blocks completed now for Caswell Quilt. Block 7 is underway.
My drawing mojo seems to have returned from vacation or whomsoever she was visiting...thank goodness!
I added a little Mama and Baby to my sketchbook last week. Fell in love with this gorgeous pair. I am not an artist who can quickly rough up a sketch in my sketchbook. I have to take my time.....wishing I was able to has never made it so. I just accept that now and be grateful. 
My Gardenia is also slowly progressing. Working on the leaves before anything else on the flower. It will stand out once the background is put in.
Yesterday I spent a lovely day with friends and enjoyed a delicious lunch. Thank you Bev. We caught up on friends exciting holidays and the ups and downs of this thing we call life.....And stitches were done on my "Dragonfly Meeting" sashiko. We don't always manage is more important. Lol!
Well that is me caught up for now. It's a showery old day here today and I am feeling in a " can't be bothered " mood,  so I am going to find something to watch and stitch some more of my Sashiko and let the dust bunnies chase each other uninterrupted. 
Before I go....
My Blue Ginger is in flower and excited to have several flower spikes. I took these snaps in between showers.

I love the individual little perfect! Oh and the tiny raindrops *sigh. The colour is so gorgeous. 
Be kind to one another friends in this time when kindness seems a rare commodity. 
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx 
I am still trying to work out the new blogger settings to answer your lovely comments so thank you in advance xx