....ohh and pencils and paper

Friday, April 12, 2024

It's Official...I Am Crazy!

 Hello friends. Hope you are all well. As the post title suggests I have doubted my sanity in wanting to tackle my latest little slow stitching project. It started with a vintage wooden spool that had silken crochet cotton attached to it. I had used this in other projects and was left with this.

As you can see next to the tape measure, it's quite small.
Plus had a bump in the middle. So why I thought a strip of slow stitching would be nice, I have no excuse. But here it is....
I secured it with a bead from my Mum's button and bead can see how tiny it is amongst the others.
Obviously not a lot could be fitted on this fat little spool but this is it unrolled.

Yes crazy I know....but such delightful fun!
I am thinking now about my next Slow stitching project. My dear friend Fiona sent me a most gorgeous parcel of lacey goodness in the post * sigh The possibilities. Oh my!
My brain is in overdrive lol! Whilst I patted and pondered these beauties I finished Block 3 of Caswell. This one gave me a bit of a tussle. The makers issue entirely....but I got there eventually!
I do love this quilt...
I have now finished my drawing of the Rusty Hebel Heap and Galahs.
So I fancied something pretty....a yellow rose.
People ask me often if I draw freehand and the answer is yes I do. The only tracing I do is from my original sketch to the " good" paper. Getting all the petals and folds on this beauty got the grey cells firing I can tell you. These two pics are the layers going down in coloured pencil.

It will really pop when the leaves and buds are done. I love a project such as this because I become totally immersed in it....blocking out all those depressing thoughts on dark days.
I  have also added a bit more to my framed hexie quilt. I needed more framed hexes as I had used them all. So a new little pile is ready to be sewn on now.
Another row is now begun.
My little possum juvenile is still not venturing too far from Mum. I think he needs to find a girlfriend lol! He is so cute though.
Speaking of wildlife you may recall that last year I participated in an art protest regarding our endangered shore birds down in our bay area, in particular the Eastern Curlew that spend the summers here by our bay. They travel thousands of miles to get here.
This lovely piece was stitched by friend Fiona @bubzrugz for me. Fiona also participated. So friends keep everything crossed and write our Environment minister if you feel you can because she has proposed DENYING the application for the huge development planned there at Toondah Harbour which would destroy this RAMSAR protected fragile habitat. We aren't over the line yet but we all now have a little hope....people power folks! OK I best get down off my soapbox before I fall lol! But as I have always told my children....stand up for what you believe in!
I best away as I have an arborist coming to work on my 50 year old Jacaranda tree. I am very sentimental about it and he is sympathetic to my feelings.
Take care all and I wish you a very pleasant weekend doing something you love.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx 


  1. Well if you are crazy then there are a few more "crazies" of us out there Michelle!!! Just adore that wee spool you have created. Makes me feel like trying another one 😉
    Your yellow rose is beautiful as it comes to life under your pencils. Wonderful hexies too. Enjoy the weekend Michelle. x0x

  2. Well obviously that little spool was far too nice to throw away so you found the perfect use for it! Love it, and you have managed to pack a lot of stitches onto that small strip, so pretty. The Caswell blocks are so lovely. Of course I love your rusty truck and always interesting to follow your process as with the rose. Keeping my fingers crossed that that development will not happen. Have a lovely weekend Michelle. xx

  3. That little spool is like me " Short and Fat " lovely you made good use of it.
    Nice gift from Fiona.
    Your Caswell block is looks great.
    Beautiful drawings of the Rusty Ute and Yellow rose.
    Pretty Hexies too.

  4. Your talents are endless, Michelle. I love the little stitchery on the spool.

  5. Eres una gran artista. BESICOS.

  6. how cute is your mini spool - it was an unusual shape to work with.... crazy but very clever and your art is so great... love that rusty heap and your new rose..... Caswell block turned out perfect... I will start choosing fabrics for that block this weekend... hope your tree is nicely trimmed.... and your framed hexies are looking great....

  7. The stitching for your little spool is gorgeous. And the spool is a lovely shape in itself. A great finish.
    Your little possum looks very cute.

  8. Gosh those bound hexies are gorgeous, such beautiful work, I'm really envious!

  9. love your mini spool! not crazy at all
    Your Caswell block is amazing, this was one of my favourites.
    beautiful artwork too, you have an amazing talent.


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