....ohh and pencils and paper

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Yesterday I went with friends to celebrate 2 special "O" birthdays of friends Anne and Denise.
Anne on the left began our group 32 years ago after meeting 3 of the girls at a patchwork class and over time we have morphed into a lovely group of friends. I was invited to come along 25 years ago by one of those three....astonishing! We are there for each other in happy times, to share the difficult ones, laughter, crafting.....always loads of chat and to just enjoy each others company. We decided a special birthday was the perfect time to say thank you to Anne for being the founder of this special group of women I am blessed to call friends. So we set about making a quilt in secret.
We all stitched some  blocks......simple and elegant being Anne's style.
We choose pretty fabric that could be the main feature.
It was overseen by Sandra....I am sure it sometimes resembled herding cats lol! Thanks for your patience Sandra. Lovingly quilted by Kay and a doiley as a label added from our friend Gaye's collection....... who has sadly passed away, to include her as well.
Sandra doing the handover...
Anne trying to get a clue from Moira lol! Nope not telling lol!
Big reveal....

Anne was thrilled to say the least! Happy hearts moment.
We did a group shot......Bev is missing in action......perched on a stool in Raffles enjoying a Singapore Sling from what we have heard.....we missed you Bev xx
Lunch was delicious, birthday gifts and wishes also exchanged....Denise and Moira.
So Happy Birthday girls! A lovely celebration of you both x
Life is better when enhanced by good friends.
Namaste and Blessings Michelle xxx


  1. How wonderful Michelle ... what a special surprise gift for your friend. Just lovely!

  2. That was a lovely thing to do... xox

  3. Hi Michelle what a beautiful thing for you all to do,its awesome having a group of friends like that.

  4. Wow you have some wonderful friends. The quilt looks amazing. The smiles tell the story. Thank you for sharing.x

  5. Beautiful quilt for a very special occasion. xx

  6. how lovely to celebrate such a friendship... the quilt is lovely...

  7. So nice to celebrate these special occasions, two O birthdays and a lovely quilt to acknowledge your friend who started the group!

  8. Wonderful times with wonderful friends, lovely idea to make the special quilt .

  9. That does look special. What a wonderful friendship your group has grown over the years.

  10. Oh how wonderful Michelle, very thoughtful of you all to make the thank you Quilt. I love the idea of using Doilies for quilt labels.


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